Following momma drama on The Dolls Head Captain Destiny Sykes' mother, Latoya Sykes, posts cryptic and shady Instagram story hinting at the drama from last weekend's episode.
Just a few days after The Dolls dropped episode 3 titled "Momma Drama" on the Brandon TV streaming app, Latoya Sykes posted a bible verse, Timothy 3:16-17, with an accompanying message. And we are seated.
"Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, values, morals or self-worth..." she writes.
Episode 3 of The Dolls featured Latoya bringing together some of the other Dancing Doll captains' mothers, to air out any grievances and squash the underlining beef within the team. There were some explosive revelations made during the get together, especially involving Timeeka Wilkins-Addison, Oshyn's mother.
There were accusations made, many of which were denied, stating Timeeka was gossiping about Destiny to some of the other moms from the team. When confronted, Timeeka admitted she is used to being in control on other dance troupes, and has to learn to be more of a follower now that her daughter isn't the Head Captain.
Will Timeeka change, and will Latoya be able to move on, after these alleged comments have been made? Time will tell.
Tune in to The Dolls, exclusively on the Brandon TV (BTV) streaming app. New episodes premiere every Sunday.
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